Thursday, September 11, 2014

Fields, Parks and a Capitol

Our second day in Chicago, we really got to experience the city's nickname.  It was quite the blustery day!  We headed into the city and got poured on and when we got into the city, we almost blew away the wind was so strong.  We had already made the decision to go to the Field Museum which worked out well.

The Field Museum is a museum of natural history and it is an impressive collection.  They have the largest, most intact, skeleton of a Tyrannosaurus Rex in the world, and a hall of gems that has a 5,900 carat topaz and they had a couple special exhibits about soil and the biomechanics of human and animal bodies.  We spent most of the day in the museum and probably could have spent longer if we had the time.  Right beside the field museum is Soldier Field which is where the Chicago Bears play their home games.

The next morning, we left Chicago for the next stop Madison, Wisconsin.  As soon as we got into Wisconsin, we passed a place called Cheese Castle.  We didn't stop, but it's funny how much they take that cheese stereotype and run with it.  We took a route that took us through Milwaukee.  There we stopped by Miller Park which is where the Milwaukee Brewers play.  Then we drove around Milwaukee a little and saw the art museum there and a marina, then we kept on to Madison.

Madison is the capital of Wisconsin and is the home of the main campus of the University of Wisconsin.  We drove right in through campus and had lunch at a place called Mickies Dairy Bar.  The food was great and I had a chocolate milkshake was delicious.  After lunch we headed to the State Capitol building.  The building is very impressive and definitely american capitol-esque.  Inside was very beautiful with multiple different colored marble and granite all over.

Field Museum.

Sue the Tyrannosaurus Rex

Wisconsin State Capitol

Inside the rotunda at the capitol building

Beauty inside the capitol

View from around the rotunda

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